

Spending the past few months in Granada have certainly been an experience. We are coming around though and starting to really love it. After the first few weeks we did about all the sight seeing you can do in Granada and we were just stuck looking for things to do. We decided to play tourist again and this  is what we did over the past couple of days.

We Spent the day in the central park. There are tons of vendors and things to look at.  People will go around yelling FRESCO carrying around bags full of different drinks with straws. (some things are so bizarre to me!) 

 I got a lemonade and Jeffrey got cacao, a chocolate drink.(y'all if you come to Nicaragua GET, i mean get a ton, of cacao drinks. It is so so amazingly good)  Frescos cost around $.18 cents each score-- except I have found a bug in mine.. ahhh! so maybe check before you buy!

We picked up a few souvenirs, I've always wanted one of these headbands, and it doesn't hurt that they are very inexpensive! They sell them every where!

A day later we decided to grab lunch.  This is Vigoron, and it was quite yummy except for the chicken rind things (the brown things) It was weird. Good news is you can usually ask for different kinds of meat!  And if you don't like something there is always a dog around and they will gladly partake of it for you.


Jeff loves loves loves his hammock, and likes to hog it ;) 
I was soaking in the precious time I was able to have in it... hehe

Taking a stroll down the dirty street market. This street is really awesome, but also really dirty.
And you can find literally anything you need down this street. With the exception of Twizzlers. Which I just need right now, but they are no where to be found!

Parque Central Cathedral- This cathedral is right smack dad in the middle of the city, and you can go inside and take pictures if you like. It's prettiest on the outside though!

Jeffrey and I recently started to work out again and today we ran a mile down to the lake. Pictures to come... but you guys I'm not a runner and I usually hate it. But it felt so good! I know a mile isn't that much but for me, trust me it is!  We came back and did strength and abs so here's to getting into shape! wish me luck and maybe pray, because I really don't like running.


  1. wow, so cool that you got the experience of traveling there. i'd love to see that part of the world

    1. It's such a culture shock! The lack of money and how happy the people are here is so eye opening to me! If you get the opportunity to come down you totally should and feel free to ask any questions! Have a great day!!

  2. So how's Granada so far? :) Planning in traveling next year, hopefully <3

    From Clare of Swimsuits Direct

    1. Hi Clare! We've been in Granada for about two months and are liking it quite a bit! The pace of living is relaxed and fun. There's quite a bit to do in Granada but I would recommend going to a couple different cities while your here too, like Leon, San Juan Del Sur and Masaya. There's a lot to do in those cities too! and there only a couple dollars bus ride! I will be posting on what we've done in those cities within the next couple of days so definitely check back!!

  3. Great photos! My name is Clara to but for the blog I go by Claire. Clara is such a different name!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire


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